Saturday, August 15, 2009

Man with pet Python

Pet Pride.
This man in Langkawi, Malaysia with his pet python, he was so proud of this snake, he wanted us to have a hold, but as New Zealand has no snakes at all, we have a horror of the reptiles and wouldn't touch it.
He was a taxi driver who took his pet along on his taxi jobs! Wouldn't happen in our country!


LadyFi said...

What a great photo! My first boyfriend had a pet python... They are dry to the touch, and not harmful at all. Still, not sure I would want to drive around with one in a taxi!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes, a terrific photo! I'm not particularly frightened by snakes, but like LadyFi, I'm not sure I want to ride in a cab with one!

Have a great day!


Anya said...

Fantastic shot,
but it looks for me a little scary

jabblog said...

Great shot! Like LadyFi and Sylvia I think I'd baulk at sharing a taxi with one. I don't suppose the taxi driver has any difficulty getting his fares to pay!

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

He DOES look happy with his pet python doesn't he. Methinks I'd pass as well since snakes aren't MY thing critter wise.
Hugs and blessings,

Pawesome said...

He's got a big python! Wow! How odd he takes it to work with him.

Feisty Crone said...

Wow! Great photo. I think, no I am sure, I would wait for the next taxicab.

Dianne said...

oh I love snakes!!
that one is huge

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

We have a python "Miss Bella" in the garden. She lives with us since many years but she is not tame. Great story and photo.
Billy is on thisandthat.

Jeevan said...

great shot Glennis! seems like a nice snake to handle hehe...